An informative council meeting last night with Director Soles giving a well prepared and thoughtful opinion to the other members of the NRRM Regional Council regarding the local forestry situation followed by several strong motions that were fully supported by all Council members expressing concern regarding the proposed movement of local logs to Fort St John and the continued control of our local timber supply by Canfor.


Our local CIBC manager, Debbie Coventry, asked that I make you aware of this great financing offer for your new home.  With the prices at their current level, and financing availability, now is the time to buy!




Interesting ad in yesterdays paper ... looking for truckers to haul logs from Fort Nelson to Fort St. John. Our economy certainly can use a boost but noticed that they aren't advertising for others in that industry - and the logs are going south!


On Monday our Mayor, Bill Streeper, presented Deputy Fire Chief James Childs with the Canada Fire Fighter's Service Medal for 20 years of exemplary federal service, all of which has been dedicated to Fort Nelson and Area.  Well done James ... and so nice to see the Council Chambers filled with his very proud family.


When I came to town, January 1 1990, there were no traffic lights other than the crosswalk.  Today, we are a 3 light town - it appears the third set of lights at the Recreational Complex are now operational so be careful and aware.  Do not breeze through a red light as you head into or out of town!  


It is that time of year that you really should make sure to check and replace your furnace filter ... a clean filter will make your furnace run much more efficiently.  I change my regularly but am always amazed how dirty they get in this country.  Yesterday I had one in a building that I am marketing that really jogged my memory to remind people .... it was absolutely filthy.  They are out of sight and so naturally out of mind.  While you are checking your furnace filter, take a look at your carbon monoxide detector.  The life span is no more than 10 years.  I confess mine was somewhat older when I got reminded to check mine!  I immediately replaced it!


This is a letter that my great grandmother received regarding her son Idion (the man seated in the previous post).  My father was born after this and he carried his uncles name.  This is always a time for reflection.

Croxtheth Hall

Liverpool, England

February 1, 1918

Dear Mrs. Armstrong,

I very much regret not being able to write you before this, but for the past two months I have been on my back with a severe wound and only now in a position to write.

I am, or rather was, the commanding officer of the company of which your splendid son was a member.  Probably he told you of him having fun with me in the 10th Battalion and then later coming with me to the 3rd.

There never was a better soldier and I was greatly pleased when he decided to stay with me when I transferred.  You knew he was my own special runner and right hand man generally and it is only the very best and most reliable who are chosen for that duty.

On the 10th of October our company was supporting the 55th Battalion wo were attacking at Paschendaele.  We had only a small narrow trench to protect us from the endless shelling which was a perfect hell.  In a short time half the company were casualties.

As soon as we arrived at this position, the first thing your son did was to dig a bunk hole to protect me.  He then dug one next to it for himself but would not use it until he had done everything he could for me.

A little later I was called away and a shell hit my bunk hole and exploded. the pieces hitting your son on the side.  He was immediately attended to and carried to the dressing station.  After being dressed there he was sent on to the next station, for there can be very little done at the advanced station.

He lasted not long, however, it may be some consolation to know that owing to unconsciousness, he did not suffer.

We went over the top together at Vimy Ridge on April the 9th and, when I arrived at our destination, there was your son with a smile on his face as though nothing had happened, although we had gone through an awful time.

If there is any further information I can give you, please let me know.

Sincerely Yours,

Major J.A. Mortherwell


I always spend these days remembering those that lost their lives in past wars and those fortunate to have served and return.  I had a great uncle who perished in WW I and I will post the story telling of his passing later.  I also was fortunate that my father, my uncle and several other relatives were fortunate to be able to return.  My father served right behind the front lines and landed on the beaches of Normandy - we visited those beaches with the mulberrys still visible and the german bunkers in the sand dunes overlloking the beaches.


For those of you who love the northern lights, whether to get out and photograph or just to view, if our skies are clear, tonight is the night.  They should be phenomenal and enjoyed anywhere in Canada as well as down into the states.  The perfect night for sitting out in the hottub or going for a drive into the country!


Check out this site ... as you scroll down the site you can see a live view of where the strength of the lights are reaching.


Winter has officially arrived.  The only fresh footprints on the walking trail belong to the wildlife and the snow is quite deep for a first real snowfall.  The sun is starting to peek out and it should make it a magnificent day - get out and enjoy it!

